2014.11.21 - The Kherson City Department of Education and the Kherson CCI take part in environmental education of schoolchildren.

So, on the 20th of November in the 9 schools at the same time there were the zonal contests of the high schoolchild teams on environmental brain ring. The direct management of training events was realized by the Head of Education Department Yuriy Nikonov and his advisor Tamara Vereschaka, who for many years have been closely cooperated with the Kherson CCI.

The organizer of contests was the schoolchild environmental commission of City Student Parliament of the Education Department of Kherson City Council. The questions to brain ring participants and script were created by this Parliament.  The members of contest jury were students – the representatives of the school government bodies.

As the honor guests, the representatives of the Kherson Chamber of Commerce and Industry were invited in sports venue. They had an opportunity to appear before schoolchild with words of welcoming and also take part on awarding of team-winners. It is worth to note that level of contests was very high. Not everyone adult person could answer to the participant’s questions, associated with different environmental aspects and in so limited time. But children coped with the difficult tasks, tasks for the team captains and with homework.  

Those grown-ups, who thinks, that for a few seconds could answer all the "children's" questions, we offer to pass a test – here you have these questions! But, sparing adults, we give them with answer keys.

One of the schools, where a competition was held, has been specialized school № 30. Here, for win, the teams from 8 schools of city battled.

As a result, the prizes were distributed as follows:
The first – the team of school №30
The second one – the team of school №6
The third- the team of school №28

The head of the Centre for Regional Development Projects Supporting of the Kherson CCI Galina Ivanova handled diplomas to the winners.

International Ecological Forum


Cleaner Production